Aryabhatta journal of mathematics and informatics

Mathematics journals

Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics is a bi-annual journal devoted to publish original research, case studies / review articles in the field of Mathematics, Statistics, Data Based .
aryabhatta journal of mathematics and informatics

Aryabhatta journal of mathematics and informatics

Congratulations to respective researchers, authors & academicians for their contributions to Vol #13 Issue #1 of ABJMI.

Aryabhatta journal of mathematics and informatics research

Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal, UGC approved, UGC CARE and Scopus: Contact
Aryabhatta journal of mathematics and informatics in education
He wrote two treatises The Mahabhaskariya and Laghu Bhaskariya, and also wrote commentaries on the work of Aryabhatta which is known as Aryabhatiyabhashya.