Fariba davoodi mohajer biography for kids

Online biography for kids

On a cold winter day, Iranian women's rights activist and journalist Fariba Davoodi Mohajer made an about-face: Having worn the hijab for 25 years, she decided to cast her head scarf into the Missing: kids.
fariba davoodi mohajer biography for kids

Fariba davoodi mohajer biography for kids

Fariba Davoodi Mohajer, 43, is one of the most outspoken leaders in Iran.

Fariba davoodi mohajer biography for kids in urdu

Iranian women's leader Fariba Davoodi Mohajer, one of the founders of the One Million Signatures Campaign for women's rights, received the Human Rights Award for .
Fariba davoodi mohajer biography for kids pictures
Fariba Davoodi Mohajer believes that her rights as a woman, mother, human rights activist, and Iranian citizen are indivisible.