Tawfik as sayegh biography of williams

Tawfik as sayegh biography of williams college

Tawfeeq As-SayeghMissing: williams.

tawfik as sayegh biography of williams

Tawfik as sayegh biography of williams

Sheikh Tawfik As Sayegh was born in the capital of Eritrea (Asmarah) in 1974 then he moved to Saudi Arabia where he spent most of his life before leaving it to Bahrain where he lives now.

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A student of Scientific Institute of Jeddah, Tawfiq As Sayegh sought to expand the horizon of his knowledge and this led him to enroll himself into the Imam Mohamed Bin Saud University and the Umm al Qura University of Makkah.

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A student of Scientific Institute of Jeddah, Tawfiq As Sayegh sought to expand the horizon of his knowledge and this led him to enroll himself into the Imam Mohamed Bin Saud University and the Umm al Qura University of Makkah.